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fola - 3-12-2007 at 11:17

is there an Intl. Calendar that is up to date and
consult-able any where online??
There are so many Races and there should be
a Calendar or Timetable somewhere......


gabe2001 - 3-12-2007 at 12:55

Many have tried and it always comes down to a single person or very small and tight group to not only get it started - the easiest part - but maintaining and keeping it up to date.
Every class/series/major event organizer usually have their own published calendars and typically are not interested (or just don't have the time to) in any extra work which doesn't provide any added value to them directly.

But perhaps we can create (or use) a tool where one has to enter the information only once and can easily be incorporated into one's local web site.

Perhaps we can attempt it once more and start by collecting the requirements (not starting with a solution!). Here's a start:

International Race Calendar Requirements:
(*) accessibility: every racer anywhere in the world needs to be able to access the calendar anytime
(*) editing: any race organizer becomes an owner of that calendar and is responsible for entering and modifying their own races - this implies they have "write" access to the calendar
(*) no duplicate work: race organizers enter their dates only once
(*) languages: calendar and tools needs to be in local languages
(*) publishing: a local calendar can be created by querying the master calendar with specified selection criteria (to be defined) and easily included on one's local (club/region/class/series) web site
(*) import/synchronize calendar with one's favorite tool (Outlook, PDA, etc.)

bring on your requirements :)

Keld Hoefler - 3-12-2007 at 13:41

Google calendar

it works

Every raceorganizer can make their own, or use the national calendar,
you can even make several national calendars, like 1/24, 1/32, wingcars etc. alle the classes
when you want to see what there is going on, you can accept the calendars that you want to see, etc.

every person can choose to see only the races with interest for him, so that could be the wayto do it.

If all races from the whole world has to be written in one cal. you cant use it, it would be to big.

Keld Hoefler - 3-12-2007 at 14:10

there has to some rules before starting a slotracing calendar in
I think it could be a great thing, but everybody has to use some standard setup if we should be able to use it.

I think first of all, every contry has to make calendar to each type of raceserie like Gabi wrote, and their has to be only one international cal. from each country.


DK International races

and some underlaying calendars like:

DK 1/24 hardbody
DK 1/24 production
DK 1/32

where people writing their races in and only copy the great events to the int. cal.

but every calender has to be named so it is easy to find and recornaise. like:


Slotracing-country-serie or int.

if this is being a standard it would be so easy to find all the calendars in the whole world with a click, and take those you have interes in.

Keld Hoefler - 3-12-2007 at 14:29

I just made 2 calendars

try the

searchs for slotracing

club cal. one event 10.12
both calendars event 29.2.2008 and 1.3.2008

gabe2001 - 4-12-2007 at 15:28

Google Calendar has a lot to offer - however, if look at the list of requirements I'm not sure they all can be satisfied.
All dates should be stored in a central database from where calendars can be generated any which way you want.
Entering dates needs to be easy (web forms, email processing, outlook synchronize, mobile phone sync, etc.) - basically anywhere, anytime, any method