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Plafit Contacts.
Big Al - 11-6-2004 at 08:22

Hello people,

Does anyone have any contacts for the owners, directors, of Plafit, the Company? I'm trying to get in touch with them from Cape Town, South Africa please.

Many thanks


Big Al

slotracefreddy - 13-6-2004 at 22:55


Just get in contact with H+T in Germany they are master distributor (?) for Europe (?) and are in good contact with John (from MRRC/England) and the Japanese owner(s). Kurt from H+T should be able to help you if he likes to respond, which may take several weeks anyway.

Sorry for the question marks and brackets but I have been (not any more) a Plafit distributor in Holland for about two years and the information about their business structure is a bit unclear.

2h - 19-6-2004 at 18:32

H+T Motorracing (Kurt) is the Plafit distributor for Northern Europe, Cric-Crac in Spain is the distributor for Southern Europe.

Dunno if they are able to help you.