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New weights and Handicap forEEC R2 Merlijn ??
Kaitsu - 11-3-2008 at 07:05

Originally posted by tamar
More news on weight, handicap and rules later.


I would need this information asap. I have only one chance (next friday) to test our car in wooden track before round #2. It would be nice to make test with correct weights/voltage...

What kind of handicap system is in Merljin? Weights (how much)? Resistors? Voltage? What is the "basic" voltage in IMCA nowadays? 14,2 V?


PS. I tried to order PS Euro Competition motor. I think the email address ( doesn't work?

tamar - 11-3-2008 at 11:34

Hello Kai

OOps sorry the email adress should be and not
One l too many sorry my mistake.

Please mail or text me your adress details asap so I can send you a motor before friday

Will post on weights and handicap's wednesday night late (after the last test)