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Hamburg 12 hrs /18 RC Trier
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When it comes to Car preparation you won't find it any better than at "No Limits" from Renn Center Trier.
This time the modellcar speciallists turned up at friday's practice with 2 identical Jaguars. And with identical I mean not just the paint job!
Within 1 1/2 hours both cars were running 8.9 sec! Not yet accustomed to lane white, Peter Oberlinge qualified the car a low fith. Running on black lane the Trierer had a slow start but gradually picked up the pace and were soon in hot pursuit of the leaders.
When both Werks team and X-rookies ran in to trouble, the Jaguar firmly took the lead. On a "no stop" strategy the Jaguar ran flawlessly taking the chequered flag with a 4 lap advantage..............
....which turned into a 6 lap devicit when they got a 10 lap penalty for running to low!
...0.10 mm of rubber relegated the Victors to Runner up.