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Inlopen elektromotoren!
willem - 14-3-2005 at 09:53

2h - 14-3-2005 at 10:23

Does this mean that a Bison motor should run for 18-20V i 3 minutes in the first bucket of water, then first 1 minute in the other, then rest 1 minute, then run 1 minute again. The altasista translatie van Nederland to English is not the world best :)

Off to buy some distilled water.....:car:

willem - 14-3-2005 at 11:26

As this article was written for far more biger engines then the bison I reckon you need to adjust the values a bit.
First recommendation:
2 minutes on 3 volts frontwards and backwards
1 minute in a new clean cup frontwards and backwards.

I already blew one engine away for Moers. Had to use Tamar's group c engine:):):)

Experience will tell in the end:):):):)