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The final round....
fola - 2-5-2009 at 21:55


Alvaro - 3-5-2009 at 05:42

Thank you for this fantastic photos... :holy:holy

We are waiting the final crisis.:toilet:

fola - 4-5-2009 at 06:03

So be it .

As in the real world that we try to imitate here, The Diesel engined cars were way ahead of the feild
and Audi beat Peugeot once again ! ,-) but every team here turned out to be a winner!!
It was a great event and a very close and thrilling race from begining to end.

Thanks to Tamar and his Crew of Helpers for setting all up and making it work out, and thanks to all
that took part - you all really made it happen!
Hope you all arrived back home safely and hope to see you again soon.

Very beat regards,

Von eecrnd5

Von eecrnd5

Von eecrnd5

Von eecrnd5

Von eecrnd5