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Controller building
willem - 23-6-2005 at 11:58


After several testruns by at least 10 slotracers with variable experience the results look very promising.
Note: You have to take into account that all does racers normally race the electronic Tech 200 controller and thus by no means is a representation of the average slotracer with his controller because there are lots of controller types in the market.

The perception can be described as follows:

  • Very good response on trigger changes (car does what I tell him to do)
  • Adjustment range like start off speed and sensitivity is well within range of modelcars.
  • Smoothness of the wiper

    According to the first reactions there are several people who want such a controller but do not have the skill or experience to build one.
    Obviously it would be very nice to see everybody drive with a this concept but I cannot build them all myself.
    What I can do is provide you with a detailed description of the parts you need and what you need to modify or order to get it running.

    The electronic schema itself is actually quit simple and used in various types of controllers. The components like the tor, pots and resistors determine the behaviour of the controller and last but not least the mechanical part which obviously is the wiper itself.

    A workshop might be good idea, any suggestions?

    CarreraHenk - 23-6-2005 at 16:02

    I am in for a workshop to build my own controler. I am lefthanded without any tools so to do it together would increase the chance of succes with a huge leap.