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Topic Review
Keld Hoefler

 posted on 19-12-2004 at 23:57
it seems Willem found his limitation in reading :laugh:

 posted on 17-12-2004 at 16:02
The intent is to make it easier to adjust the length of the guide without having to pull the body off

 posted on 17-12-2004 at 09:29
Although it's a very nice piece of engineering, why waste 4 gram of usefull playing lead instead of a nice little plastic leadwire guide? It's got nothing to hold or do I miss something:cool:

 posted on 17-12-2004 at 08:41
a few were left in Leeuwarden, Eddy has a couple

 posted on 16-12-2004 at 23:53
Almost 4 gram

 posted on 16-12-2004 at 22:13


 posted on 16-12-2004 at 14:35
Now that you have seen these gizmos, did you aprove 'em ?

 posted on 6-12-2004 at 09:14
I'll bring a stack of these to Leeuwarden, they are 40 DKK. which corresponds to 5,50 Euro or 2 for 10.

They are very easy to mount, and you don't have to worry about where the cables are going :-)

 posted on 28-11-2004 at 19:22
Sure thing :D
I hope that Double H are doing the job, he's the official foreignlanguage-to-danish translator.

I guess that this is not the official salesfora, but you can purchase the guidemounts through my website www.osteguf.dk -> English Forum

 posted on 28-11-2004 at 11:02
Hello Henrik, hello Kai

It might be a good idea to translate and copy this topic on your
scalerace.dk forum

I know that most Danes read and write English, but as it concerns your Danish racers it is always goor to have the information available in their native language.

As long as the main principles are respected, (rules based on what influences the car's performance) there is no reason why the DMCA should not differentiate from the LMS rules at certain points.
You've done that before (with the inclusion of Gr C bodies) :D.

 posted on 27-11-2004 at 18:58
One of them did :)

And as soon as it has been homologated, it will of course also apply to LMS races in Denmark.:coke:

 posted on 26-11-2004 at 18:12
Thank you for a quick reply.
I hope the Danish representatives for DMCA reads this.

 posted on 26-11-2004 at 18:03
Hello Kai

Nice piece of tooling you've made there.
For your questions

As your part only replaces the standard nuts, no problem here.

[url=http://www.slotracinglemans.com/champ/rules.htm#tr20]"2.1 Chassis
A Chassis should contain all listed standard parts. Standard parts may be exchanged with all allowed spare and tune-up parts. Free materials are; Assembly materials, shims, washers & spacers. [/url]

Removing material from the guideholder is another matter.
First of all it is not an allowed modification and secondly rule 2.1 also states:

"All parts must be bolted, and/or fixed with glue, on the standard holes provided on these parts."

Personally I would have no problem with your modification. It doesn't influence the car's performance, just makes it easier to set-up.

But I just write the rules, I do not do the technical inspections at the races.

The only way we can solve this is by adding an extra line to rule 2.1.1 Chassis Modifications for 2005

This rule needs some adaptations anyhow.
Even though all modelcar chassis claim to be fully adaptable to all bodies sizes, sometimes the standard holes are just not enough to mount the parts/chassis properly.

So you get this grey area where slotters tend to make the holes bigger to make the chassis fit.
Why is this a grey area? Because once fully mounted you (or at least the T.C) can't see if the holes have been modified.

I'll try to work something out to fix this problem for next year.

 posted on 26-11-2004 at 16:09
I have made this combined guidemount and wireholder.

Sorry, for the bad retouch-job

It can be used for tightening the guideholder from underneath, without disasembling the car (Plafit). On this way its easyer to do adjustment of the guideholder (guideblade ?) to find the right setup for that exact track.
So far, I guess its not illegal to any regulations to use ???


If you remove a little part of the guideblade, the opposite end than the guide-end, then you can change betwen your different guideblades for different tracks, without having to unmount weightset and all 4 nuts and bolts.

My ? is now, can it be made legal to use this ?

Kai Bach Andersen
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