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Topic Review

 posted on 6-2-2008 at 01:51
Congratulations and Thanks!

Just to let you know that we are watching with envy from this side of the world the great racing in OSLO! You guys must be exhausted and we greatly appreciate your time and efforts to post the results and pictures for all of us to enjoy. Congratulations to the podium winners and to the organizing team! An inspiration for all of us here in America! All the best.

Mark Campbell
Scale Racing America

 posted on 4-2-2008 at 12:24
Hello Guys, awake again so I must be alive ;)

Just got all the results from Børge and have updated the entries and results page for Oslo.

FIA GT 1/24 EEC round 1, Badet Raceway, Oslo, Norway

 posted on 4-2-2008 at 11:33
Originally posted by Big Al
Any results anywhere??



Big Al

Podium GT1: 1st Bad Boys, 2nd RfH 1 and 3rd Dutch Age Racing

Can’t exactly remember the podium on Gt2, but I'm reasonably sure that the Finns of Scuderia Kaitserrari took 1st and that Badet 2 was on the podium.

The official results will for certain be published here as soon as the race leaders have done the last bit of getting the results official.


 posted on 3-2-2008 at 19:41
But I can give you the number 1 2 and 3
Winners of the first round are the Bad Boys
Second is RFH 1
Thirt are the Dutch Aged Racing Team

Total laps will follow later

Greetz Gert
Big Al

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 19:34
Any results anywhere??



Big Al

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 11:00
bb ok ok , that was just me.... no not just me . me Fola...
in Oslo and the only thing i have seen of this pretty little country is a little peice of hoighway , the Airport of course and te GREAT Badet Club Raceway. And great it was, from begining to end. Full of really close battles Baily's and a whole load of action. The Day time stintwent smoothly, you ca n find the results online... but THE real fun was to be had at night, wher ethe cars were bANØL K GOTTA GET SOME| ZMM i mean slleeeeep

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 10:49
1-2 1-2 tseting 1-2

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 08:15
Hello from Denmark !

Can we get a new opdate please .

I hope , that your guy´s have a fun time and race . I´m disapointet ,
because I not could come to Oslo , because lot of work .

Have a nice race .

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 03:12
Our arrival at the Badet Slotrace club was a story on itself. With more than 12 hours delay caused by stormy wheather and blizzards at the airport of Oslo, we had (as usual) 4 hours to finish the car. We calculated for more. My teammate Marcel went to bed. His 'curtains' dropped suddenly. So I was left to do the job. At the driversbriefing we had a visable car and could attend to the training session. But I had to drive carefully. The decals were not sealed yet. then qualification time! Marcel tried to make a good time, but the car did not move. The handout tires had a wider dia as aspected. So it took some time to adjust this fact. Next the car was pretty slow. Tamar indicated that the cause might be the motor. So we checked and as a fact the motor was not turning properly. We changed it and it seemed to be alright at the beginning of the race. Cofidence was growing and at the end we managed to reach place 3. I have a bad track record of night racing. So, defending the place was my target. This goal was not reached in the slower lanes 1-3 but my teammate Marcel drove very fast and consistently. At the end of the night we could keep our place before Slotfabrik at place four. We have to marshal and after that we take a nap of about two hours to prepare for the "endsession". Dutch Age Racing is now in the postion to stand for its name. More results later after the race is finished.

 posted on 3-2-2008 at 02:46
Its 3 o' clock in Oslo, its dark and snow is falling, but for the FIA GT teams the night is over.
Day break in Oslo sees the bad boys still in the lead followed by RFH #1 now some 40 laps between them.
Nick and Emily are giving their best, but they're no match for the combined talents of Michael and Philippe.

Surpize of the race, currently in 3rd position only 7 laps behind the Vitaphone MC 12 is the #15 JMB maserati of Henri and Marcel. The Dutch age Rage are on a roll and are contemplating a name change too New age raging.

Then there's the battle for 4th. throughout the night Fola and Stefan had a hard time defending their 4th placed Aston from a strong charge of the Badet 1 Maserati and RfH #28 Lamborghini.
Gabriel and tamar climbing back from 12th to 7th

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 23:38
Hej hær kommer rapport från Oslo på svenska.

Jag (Leif Nilsson) Christer Burstrøm i CB Racing har haft en jobbig heg i Oslo.
Hela europa eliten ær hær och dom ligger lite før oss nær det gæller tillverkning och uppsættning av scala bilar. Vi har lite att jobba med....!
Christer kør som vanligt mycket bra, i klass med dom bæsta men vår bil kunde ha varit bættre, nu ær det bara att gilla læget och førsøka att komma igen i Belgien. Vi kør en Porsche 997 GT2 och den ær mycket svår att få fart på, men vi jobbar på det.

Fick uppdrag att skriva denna rapport på Svenska så jag hoppas att alla svenskar som læser detta gør ett inlægg och komenterar.

Vill också passa på att tacka Badet Raceway før ett som vanligt toppen arrangemang.

Tack allesammans.

Leif Nilsson (CB Racing)

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 23:10
Har fått beskjed om å skrive en race rapport på Norsk....
Men ikke vet jeg hvilke plasseringer de Norske lagene ligger på, og ikke har jeg tid til å finne det ut heller.. ;)

Så jeg får bruke litt tekst her til å hilse til alle kjente, spesielt Morten og Stig som ikke kunne være her..:bounc:

Bilen vår går som ei bøtte møkk... Trenger jeg å si noe mer...
Nå må jeg stikke, skal være Påsetter....

Hilsen Jostein

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 22:46
Tamar pyysi minu pistamaan tahan jotain Suomeksi. No ekan kolmanneksen jalkeen johdetaan GT2:sta. Autossa tosin ongelmia joten alamaki saattaa olla edessa.

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 22:26
Ergebnis nach dem ersten Renndrittel
(in Worten ;)

Was mal als erstes nach den ersten 60 Minuten feststellen konnte, war, dass die Gewichtsermittlung mittels Weight calculator wieder sehr gut aufgegangen ist.
In der GT2 Klasse konnte sich mit 566.15 Runden die Scuderia Kaiseratti an die Spitze setzen und ergert dabei auch noch mit einem gesamt 7en Platz die GT1 Elite.Das auf dem zweiten Platz der GT2 liegende Team belgte mit 542.03 Runden das Team Vandas Raceway. Die Performenance aller Teams liegt auf einem high Level und es wird schon zu diesem fruehen Zeitpunkt taktisch und vorausschauend gefahren. Die Platzierungen der anderen Teams liegen alle sehr dicht beisammen.
In der GT1 sah alles nach einem harten Zweikampf zwischen RFH1, RFH2,X-Rookies und Bad Boys aus. Nach sehr engen ersten Turns konnte sich nach einigen Chrashes der anderen Teams die Bad Boys mit 27 und gesamt 610.08 Rd absetzen. danach folgen RFH1 (583.16), Dutch Age 580.04, Slot Fabrik 572.16, dicht gefolgt von X-Rookies 571.06 & Virage mit 570.06. Mal schaun ob die andren Teams wie das mitfavorisierte Team Fransspeed noch den Stein der Weisen finden werden.

UHHHHH......the night has begin ;))
mal schaun wer die besten Adletraugen hat und die zeiten auch bei Nacht fahren kann....


 posted on 2-2-2008 at 21:46
Hallo zusammen

am Donnerstag ereeichten wir Oslo im Schneegestoeber. Im gegensatz zu Germany ist es hier kalt.

Sofort begannen wir mit dem aufbau der Fahrzeuge. Nach einer durchgemachten Nacht, konnten wir dann endlich mit dem T-Car auf die Strecke gehen.

Danach bauten wir dann auch Race Car auf.
Anfangs fanden wir nicht das richtige Setup.

Danach lief es dann aber besser.

Die begruessung durch rolf a. war sehr schoen.

Mehr spaeter, wir muessen jetzt die Nachtphase absolvieren.

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 21:34
Bonjour tous le monde

Grande decouverte pour moi et Armin en effet c´est la premiere fois que nous participons a une course de haut niveau dans cette categorie!!!
Donc nous avons un enorme retard technique a combler
Malgre tous superbe ambience et une organisation sans faille:MERCI TAMAR

Hubert Jacob___________________________________________________________________________

 posted on 2-2-2008 at 20:54
Hello Guys
We'll try to use this topic to give you some updates on the Oslo race
Wit the first run finished here are the first impressions.

First run went withoiut any major crash although some teams had their problems.

badet 1 lost valuable laps when their body came of the body mounts, and Rfh 28 lost even more laps looking for srews to remount their balast plate.Both teams have been bumped to the second heat.

Sloefspeed made the move to the third heat and the best GT2 is now in sevth position.

We are now starting with the night run, its dark which is a bit of a shame as some cars got their first clearcoat and are looking better than ever.


The results have been updated and can be found via
this link

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